Sunday, April 24, 2011

Anggap Sebagai Sedekah

Anggap Sebagai Sedekah ..

Susah sangat ke kalau anda nak anggapkan apa yang anda tulis tu sebagai satu sedekah. Tak kira la post tu .. tutorial, bahan bacaan, lawak, gambar rujukan ataupun lain² lagi. Yang penting dalam hati tu .. kena ikhlas. Baru la apa yang anda usahakan dekat sini .. bermanfaat. Income dapat .. pahala pun dapat. Macam sabda Rasulullah saw.

“Bersedekahlah kalian, kerana sesungguhnya sedekah dapat menambah harta yang banyak. Maka bersedekahlah kalian, niscaya Allah menyayangi kalian.” (Al-Wasail 6: 255, hadis ke 11)
credit: Albasori

Ini tidak .. bila orang tiru sikit. Dah mengelabah. Cakap yang tu anda punya  .. hak cipta terpelihara .. dan macam² lagi. Tapi bila ditanya kenapa buat tulis blog .. sebab nak buat duit extra.

Emm .. nak dapat duit extra tu. Memang bagus! Tapi kalau anda kedekut nak share dengan orang lain. Macam mana rezeki nak masuk. Cuba berfikiran terbuka sedikit. Saya pun tak kisah bila orang nak copy paste post kat sini. Nak letak kredit atau tak .. tu terpulang kepada orang yang copy. Yang tahu .. Allah. Kalau saya tak dapat kat sini .. sekurang²nya .. kat akhirat sana dah ada bekalan. Insya Allah!

capt. bob: Selagi orang membaca .. selagi orang copy paste .. selagi itu rezeki anda akan sentiasa terbuka. Yang penting .. niat untuk bersedekah!

Perkhidmatan Blogger akan dihentikan !

Perkhidmatan Blogger akan dihentikan !

Terkejut jugak tadi bila dapat tahu pasal perkhidmatan Blogger akan dihentikan mulai 25 Jun 2011. Kalau betul la cite nie. Memang parah la kepada blogger yang masih menggunakan platform blogspot. Sah-sah tak ada pilihan lain .. melainkan beralih ke hosting domain berbayar yang lain seperti Wordpress dan sebagainya.

blogger service

Tapi setelah dibaca berulang-ulang kali (Google Buzz). Baru la faham. Rupa-rupanya .. pengguna Blogger yang mendaftar dan menggunakan email selain Gmail (contoh: Email Yahoo) untuk log in ke dalam blogger .. akan berdepan dengan situasi dimana blogger mereka akan dihapuskan sama sekali. Selain itu .. bagi yang tidak pernah log in ke dalam blog mereka semenjak 2007. Mereke juga akan berdepan dengan masalah yang sama.

Jadi untuk menggelakkan perkara ini dari berlaku. Google memberi peluang kepada pengguna tersebut untuk mengemaskini dan memindahkan permission akaun blogger mereka ke akaun Google.

Cara-caranya memindahkan akaun
1. Daftar dulu akaun Gmail bagi yang belum ada.
2. Kemudian .. sign ini blog seperti biasa. (Cth; guna email Yahoo).
3. Klik pada bahagian Setting > Permission > dan kemudiannya klik Add Authors
4. Kemudian masukkan email Gmail anda dan klik Invite.
5. Seterusnya login akaun Gmail tadi.
6. Tengok kat inbox. Kalau ada email jemputan. Klik link untuk pengesahan .
7. Kalau ada notis  "To join this blog as an author, accept the invitation by signing in with your Google Account here". Terus klik 'Here' dan paparan dashboard blog anda akan muncul.
8. Seterusnya .. logout akaun gmail tersebut dan login pula menggunakan email yang mula-mula tadi ( Email Yahoo )
9. Klik kat Settings > Permissions
10. Kat situ anda akan nampak ada nickname dan email baru yang anda add sebentar tadi sebagai author.
11. Klik kat grant admin privileges.
12. Dah siap .. seterusnya anda boleh try log in blogger menggunakan email gmail baru.
13. Kalau dah betul-betul yakin anda boleh menggunakan nikname baru. Seterusnya anda boleh delete nickname dan email lama.

capt bob : Tak lama lagi .. pasti blogger akan berikan tempoh had penggunaan pula. Contohnya selepas setahun .. diwajibkan beli domain. :D

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Knock Nevis

The largest super-tanker built ever is named Knock Nevis. 

It is well known as Seawise Giant, Happy Giant or Jahre Viking, but with changing of ship-owners and its function are coming new names. 

Now the vessel is operating as a storage tank to the platforms in Qatar. 

That was dictated, because of its large measurements. The vessel has a deadweight of 565,000 metric tons, a length of 458 meters and a beam of 69 meters. When it is fully loaded it cannot pass through the English channel, which is 32 miles wide, and what about Suez Channel or Panama Channel. That is why, the ship-owner decided to use it as a immobile storage tank offshore in the Qatar, where it is more profitable for the owner.

The story for building this vessel is very interesting. It was designed to be the largest super-tanker built ever, when it was ordered. But just some months after starting of the work for building this vessel the owner, decided that this ship is too small and added 87 thousands tones more to its deadweight. So the super-tanker Knock Nevis collected a whole deadweight of 565,000 metric tones. In fact this vessel is on the fifth place by its gross tonnage, because it is just 236,710, behind the other ULCCs – TI.Europe, TI Asia, TI Oceania, TI Africa, but when we are talking about deadweight and measurements it is the first one. 

The vessel Knock Nevis was built in 1981 and put on water with the name Sea Wise Giant, but from 2004 is operating in the Qatar as a immobile offshore platform. A vessel has a summer displacement of 647,955 m.t. and can carry 4.1 million barrels. The draft of this vessel when it is fully loaded is 26.4 meters. 

You can imagine what are the measurements of this vessel, and how it is moving through the water. Even the largest ports were operating with this vessel too hardly and that was the reason to be moored in Qatar as an immobile platform. Such kind of vessel has only a couple of ports that can serve such ultra large crude carrier. Knock Nevis operated a lot of years for its ship-owner, but after the last repair was decided to work in Qatar
Knock Nevis TugKnock Newis

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Oil Refining Process

Oil Refining Process

The refining of heavy oil requires exacting and thorough chemical, engineering, and computing processes.  

Crude oil, also called petroleum, is a complex mixture of carbon and hydrogen (hydrocarbons), which exist as a liquid in the earth's crust. Crude oil has many compositions, some is black, thick and tar like, while other crude oils are lighter in color and thinner. The carbon and hydrogen in crude oil are thought to have originated from the remains of microscopic marine organisms that were deposited at the bottom of seas and oceans and was transformed at high temperature and pressure into crude oil and natural gas.

This oil and gas migrates upward through the porous rock, as it is less dense than the water which fills the pores. The oil and gas is trapped by a layer of impermeable rock through which they can't flow. Several different types of oil and gas "traps" exist; a common dome formed by folded sedimentary rocks. Crude oil is obtained by drilling a hole into the reservoir rock (sandstone, limestone etc.) and pumping it out.

Petroleum refining is the process of separating the many compounds present in crude petroleum. This process is called fractional distillation where the crude oil is heated; the various of the compounds boil at different temperatures and change to gases; and are later recondensed back into liquids. Fossil Fuels

The principle which is used is that the longer the carbon chain, the higher the temperature at which the compounds will boil. Boiling Points and Hydrocarbons

The crude petroleum is heated and changed into a gas. The gases are passed through a distillation column which becomes cooler as the height increases. See the figure on the left. When a compound in the gaseous state cools below its boiling point, it condenses into a liquid. The liquids may be drawn off the distilling column at various heights.

Although all fractions of petroleum find uses, the greatest demand is for gasoline. One barrel of crude petroleum contains only 25-35% gasoline. Transportation demands require that over 50% of the crude oil be converted into gasoline. To meet this demand some petroleum fractions must be converted to gasoline. This may be done by "cracking" - breaking down large molecules of heavy heating oil; "reforming" - changing molecular structures of low quality gasoline molecules; or "polymerization" - forming longer molecules from smaller ones. Conversion Oil Refining

For example if decane is heated to about 500 C the covalent carbon-carbon bonds begin to break during the cracking process. Many kinds of compounds including alkenes are made during the cracking process. Alkenes are formed because there are not enough hydrogens to saturate all bonding positions after the carbon-carbon bonds are broken.

Nevertheless, it is hoped that this discussion has provided some basic insight into the complex and highly integrated refining process.

Once all these tasks have been completed, and the various fractions produced, usually according to market needs, the actual refining process is complete.

Refineries also produce pure chemicals, called feedstocks, from crude oil. These feedstocks are sold to the petrochemical industries, where a great variety of products are made.



Methane (Natural Gas)FertilizersPolyethylene
PropyleneRayonSynthetic Rubber
Some of the technical aspects of refining which are explained more fully at this website include those in the table below: (short explanatory articles on these topics would be welcome)

Aromatic complexesFractation
Alkylation and PolymerizationGasificationSeparation Processes
Catalytic Re-FormingHydro-treatingSulfur Extraction
DehydrogenationVisbreaking and Coking


A final and critical step is the blending of our products. Gasoline, for example, is blended from treated components made in several processing units. Blending and Shipping Area operators precisely combine these to ensure that the blend has the right octane level, vapor pressure rating and other important specifications. All products are blended in a similar fashion.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Cruise Ship Almost Tips Over

Boating the knots

Welcome to Boating Knots

These animated knots are primarily for boaters, but many are useful for anyone who uses rope and values safety. Select the knots from: the index above left; the pictures above; or the Boating Applications page. 


The selection of knots is based on many years of sailing combined with feedback and advice from several helpful captains. Click on the picture on the right to see the selection. The knots are arranged roughly in order of importance - except that the Square Knot, the Sheet Bend, and the Figure 8 Knot, are placed at the bottom because they are primarily located in the Basics Section.

Boating Knot Characteristics

Rope used in boating is durable and expensive and is often handling heavy loads, e.g., when berthing, mooring, towing another vessel, preparing for a storm, or managing sails. The emphasis, therefore, is on safety, reliability, and convenience. In contrast to the fishing knots, value is also placed on being able to use the rope repeatedly and untie each knot withour difficulty.

Standing End, Tail, and Bitter End

Bitts In many boating knots it is convenient to talk about the Standing End - which takes the strain, and the Tail - the loose end in your hand. On a large ship, each shore line is initially tightened using the winch. The tail is then properly called a Bitter End as it is transferred to the Bitts. To make this possible, a second rope is tied to the hawser with a Rolling Hitch to take the strain temporarily.

Ships Captain’s Medical Guide Is an Emergency Manual for Non-Doctors

If you’re camping, sailing, or otherwise distanced from medical attention, it’s good to know what to do when somebody gets hurt or sick. A UK government guide, written for ships at sea, provides a great overview of first aid, injury treatment, and many other kinds of make-do medicine.

Written in an explanatory style, and assuming you only have the most minimal of supplies, the Ships Captain’s Medical Guide can be a little off-putting to read at a glance. There are entire chapters on sexually transmitted diseases, childbirth, and the eloquently titled “The dying and the dead.” These are, of course, actual concerns for captains of larger vessels, but not entirely impossible to need help with when you’re on your own journeys. But the chapters on first aid, injuries, make-shift stitching, and other facets of emergency medicine.
Consider it the most useful lunchtime reading material you’ll come across today, and consider downloading it to your phone, because you never know. It’s a free PDF, split into 15 chapters.
Ships Captain’s Medical Guide [Department for Transport (UK) via Cool Tools]

14 Reasons: Why Ship Owners Prefer Filipino Seafarers and How They Exploit Them

On October 28, the chairman of International Mariners Management Association of Japan (IMMAJ) has stated that Filipino seafarers are the top choice of philippine1Japanese ship managers and owners. It is a fact that one-third of the world’s seafarers are Filipinos. Data from the Philippine Overseas Employment Agency (POEA) shows that 266,533 Filipino seafarers were deployed all over the world in 2009. Out of this, more than 50,000 Filipino seafarers work on Japan’s 3,000 merchant ships. This indicates that roughly 65 percent of Japan’s maritime personnel are Filipinos.
Also Hellespont, an European shipping company having a manpower agency in Manila, has been hiring all-Filipino crews for its tanker fleet since 2004. This confirms that Filipino seafarers are the most sought seafarers in the global shipping industry. In fact, Filipinos are in demand to man ships at sea – from luxury cruise ships to giant tankers and container ships.
Why most of the shipping companies prefer Filipino seafarers ? How they exploit them ?
Here are some reasons:
1.Seafarers by Nature: Philippines has vast coast line of 36,289 km, that is more than USA (19,924 km), UK (12,429 km), China (14,500 km), France (4,668 km) except Russia (37,653 km) which is almost equal. As the Philippine archipelago is made up of 7,107 islands,  Filipinos have natural mariner’s instincts and always work cheerfully despite their months of separation from their families. They never show that they are homesick. While on shore leave, instead of going to the nearest bars to waste their earnings, they prefer to spend their time more at Internet cafes, writing e-mails or chatting online with their loved ones in the Philippines.

2.Dedication and Discipline: Filipino seafarers work with dedication and are very disciplined. They are also very conscious about their conduct especially while on shore leave. Ship owners often resort to contract substitution, an unlawful practice where a worker’s previously signed labor contract is replaced with a new one, usually on joining the ship. Number of years of service in the shipping company is hardly considered and they can also be easily discharged.
3.Hard-Working: Filipino seafarers have more stamina and work physically more on board the ships. Often they develop back injuries or hernia from heavy lifting. Most of the ship owners refuse to admit responsibility over the seafarers’ injuries. exploit
4.Flexible: Filipino seafarers, willingly perform duties that are not part of their contracts and ship owners take advantage of that. They are subjected to excessive working hours or are ill-treated.
5.Reliable and Loyal: As Filipino seafarers are reliable and loyal, ship owners take their own time to release them from Somali pirates.  About 120 Filipino crew aboard 11 foreign-flagged ships were seized by Somali pirates between April and September this year. To compensate for this piracy risk, ship owners are generous enough, to give ‘double pay’ while sailing through unsafe Gulf of Aden off Somalia.
6.Work for less Salaries: Filipino seafarers are often paid less salaries than that was promised to them.
7.Fluent in English: Filipino seafarers have good command over English language and have good communication skills.
8.Highly trainable and Adapt to changing Environment: Filipino seafarers easily adapt to new technologies and to the changing environment.
9.Problem-solving capability: Everyone including the captain, display ingenuity in dealing with problems, say for example, technical glitches compounded by lack of spare parts. So ship owners do not find it necessary to stock up spares in the ships.
10.Attitude: The Philippine Islands were a Spanish colony from 16th century. Mixed colonial influences have enabled Filipino seafarers to make friends easily with foreigners and their combined Asian and Hispanic cultures have turned them into the most lighthearted workers. They easily get along with fellow crew members and value the seafarers life at sea. All-Filipino crew of M/T Team Venus saved 12 Ukrainian crew of M/S Star Admiral under severe weather conditions.
11.Follow and Respect the laws: In 2006 and 2007, twelve Filipino seafarers of M/T Clipper Trojan and M/V Windsor Castle have helped the prosecution of owners and operators of B.Navi Ship Manning Services and Clipper Marine Services who illegally dumped toxic wastes into the ocean. Here is the commendation by the Senate of the Philippines.skill
12.Patience and Tolerance: Despite racial discrimination on board ships, Filipino seafarers continue to work with patience and tolerance.
13.Sacrifice their life: In the SS Norway explosion one of the most fatal cruise-ship accident in the United States, seven of the eight who died were Filipinos. Also the heirs of Anthony Allas, a seafarer, who died due to urinary bladder cancer were not paid any compensation by the shipping company. Even the court has ruled out the compensation.
14.Women Seafarers: Women Filipino seafarers work mostly as waitresses in cruise vessels and they get as low as $50 a month.They augment their meager salaries with tips given by passengers. Shipping companies prefer to employ more female than male waiters, who are paid higher salaries.

10 Reasons to Classify Ship as Feminine

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This post brings to you the logical and funny reasons to call a Ship as She

1. Looks beautiful: Anyone seeing a ship at sea from shore would appreciate how beautiful the ship is. Neatly painted hull, colorful flags flying in the mast, curves of the hull definitely make the ship charming.
2. Behaves like a woman: If you look after her, she will take care of you. If not, she will ditch you. You have to love her or she will make you suffer. During the good old days, when mariners were only men, she was their pretty woman.
3. Seen as Goddesses and Angels: As ensuring the safety of the life of the sailors were in the hands of the ship, traditionally ships were dedicated to goddesses and angels by naming them. Thereafter mostly female names are given to the ships.
4. Grammatical Gender: Certain languages like Indo European languages have grammatical gender, where the word for ship is feminine.
5. Clean and tidy: To ensure better crew health and machinery health (read reliability), the whole ship is kept spick and span and ensures good housekeeping like a woman who spends most of the time in keeping the house in order.
6. Hard taskmaster: Life at sea demands tough ship routine, keeps the crew always occupied like a woman who always prefers to keep you in her bond. 
7. Prefers company: Ship at sea generally keeps watch for other ships at sea like a woman who does not like loneliness and looks for company.
8. 360⁰ of freedom: Ship is free to sail 360⁰ around the globe like a woman who prefers total freedom in her movements.
9. Costly to maintain: The running costs of a ship are mostly high like a woman who goes on a spending free on shopping.
10. Up gradation: Ship needs machinery up gradation during the whole life cycle to remain sea worthy like a woman who upgrades to latest fashion, cosmetics, dress.

Friday, April 8, 2011

10 Easy Ways to Sink a Ship

cita2_sinking_ship sinking
Very often we come across news reports about sinking ships. Ships by design are not to sink. Ships are periodically inspected and certified for their seaworthiness to avoid accidents at sea.
Then Why do ships sink ?
  • Is it because of ships crew ?
  • Is it because of machinery failure ?
  • Is it because of external factors like bad weather ?
It is ultimately the ships crew responsible for the ships to sink. Even machinery failure can be avoided by the crew. Understanding the weather pattern and avoiding bad weather is possible.
Here are 10 easy ways to sink a ship.
skills1. Do not apply your professional skills
  • do not update your professional knowledge
  • do not learn from others mistakes
  • do not listen to your subordinates view
  • do not apply your mind in case of emergencies

emergency2. Do not carry out Emergency Drills
  • do not carry out fire safety drills
  • do not carry out damage control drills
  • do not carry out steering failure drills
  • do not carry out generator,engine failure drills
shipshape3.Do not keep the ship in shipshape condition
  • do not secure cargo and other materials onboard for sea
  • do not keep machinery, cargo, living spaces neat and tidy
  • do not believe in house keeping
weather forecast4.Do not bother about weather forecasts
  • do not make use of navigational aids onboard to find out weather pattern
  • do not make use of communication equipments on board to know the outside world and safety warnings
friendship5.Do not maintain harmony within the ships crew
fitness6.Do not keep yourself mentally and physically fit
  • do not avoid alchohol
  • do not avoid smoking
  • do not avoid drugs
  • do not keep your mind free from personal problems
  • do not lead a stress free life
  • do not communicate with others to listen to or share your problems
  • do not do simple physical exercises
maintenance7.Do not maintain your machinery
  • do not read user manuals of the machinery
  • do not carry out preventive or breakdown maintenance
  • do not carry out condition monitoring
  • do not forget to boast that ‘I Know Every Thing’
  • do not maintain logbooks
  • do not calibrate your test equipments,gauges,instruments
  • do not cover the equipments when not in use
  • do not test emergency equipment like fire fighting equipment,emergency generator,emergency lights,fire alarms, lifeboats etc., for operational readiness
  • do not carry out dry dock related maintenance professionally
inspect8.Do not observe the machinery behaviour while in operation
  • do not keep your eyes open to look for any leakages,flooding,fire
  • do not look at instrument panels to monitor machinery parameters
  • do not keep your ears open to observe any abnormal noise coming from machinery
  • do not use your nose to observe any gas leaks,fuel leaks,burning smell
  • do not sense by touching machinery for any abnormal vibrations, abnormal heating up of machinery
  • do not follow safety procedures while working on equipments
rule book9.Do not follow the rule book
  • do not read the safety awareness posters in the ship
  • do not document your activities
  • do not update yourself on SOLAS,MARPOL,COLREG,ISPS,ISM,STCW etc.,
10. In case of Warships, in addition to the above loose lips also can sink ships.
looselips click the image to know more.

10 Reasons Why Navy/Seafarer/Mariner Uniforms are White

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A quick thinking on “Why Navy Uniforms are White ?”, gave me some logical and funny reasoning.
When equal amounts of Red, Green and Blue light are combined, they produce white light.
In fact, White is a combination of rainbow colours VIBGYOR.
Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red.
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Now let us see the reasons.

1.The colour of the first ever clothes worn, was white only:

Cotton was the widely used material for making clothes in olden days which is white in colour. Navy is also the oldest global profession. So, the colour of the clothes worn by the seafarers were white. The process of dyeing or colouring the clothes were evolved later. Historically, China is the largest grower of cotton. The Chinese produced approximately 20 million bales of cotton in 2000. The U.S. is second, with 17.2 million bales of production in 2000.

2.Symbol of peace:

In olden days, seafarers traveled to different countries to explore the world. They achieved this as messengers of peace. White colour symbolises peace.

3.Reflects heat and keeps you cool:

Generally, dark colored clothes absorb heat more than light colors clothes. White colour totally reflects the heat and keeps you cool.

4. Helps to keep the doctor away from you:

In ships,high priority is given to good health and hygiene. Dirt on white uniforms can be noticed easily and makes the seafarer to wear clean uniforms always to remain in good health.

5.Sign of integration of the seven seas:

Seven colours integrate to give white colour. In fact white is not in colour spectrum. White uniform indicates the integration of seven seas.

6.More visible even on low light or in darkness:

Ships are not free from electrical power failures, blackouts and to give distress calls. White uniforms help easy identification to provide Search and Rescue.

7.Looks Great:

Brings respect and gives a great look.

8.Not costly:

Money saver in olden days.Comparing to coloured and designed clothes, plain white clothes were cheaper.

9.Customs and Traditions:

As customs and traditions, the practice of wearing white uniforms is still going on.

10.Attracts females:

White is associated with the feelings of innocence, peace, and it reminds to the viewers, that of bride, snow, dove, and cotton. Also white elicits the feelings of loneliness and boredom.This definitely attracts the opposite sex.

OldSailor could list only these many reasons. Readers may give some more reasons.

10 Reasons Why the Captain of a Ship Prefers to Sink with the Ship

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Whenever a ship sinks due to any reason, the Captain of the Ship prefers to sink with the ship. In my last post “Cargo ships collide in Thessaloniki Port, Greece” dated 18 October 2007, I have highlighted that the Captain of Diamond I, heroically sank with the ship, whereas the other ships crew were rescued. Though this is shocking and surprising, there are enough reasons for this.

1.Customs and Traditions:

There are unwritten customs and traditions in the Navy which are followed by mariners since centuries. Some of them are hoisting Church Pennant, Dress ing the Ship, measurements by Fathom, giving Gun Salutes, Manning the Rails to give three cheers to honour the distinguished guests, Wardrobe Room. Captain preferring to sink with the ship is also one form of customs and traditions followed in the Navy. You may recollect on such occasions, that a pilot of the aircraft most of the times ejects, as there is no such custom and tradition to be followed.

2.Perform or Perish attitude:

The captain being the hard task master, when fails to perform ie when he is not able to protect the ship and ships crew prefers to perish, i.e. he prefers to sink with the ship.

3.Moral responsibility:

Whatsoever may be the reason for the ship to sink, the captain doesn’t blame anyone till his last breath, but ensures that the ships crew is saved or rescued. He owes the moral responsibility for the mishap and prefers to sink with the ship. Such an act of owing moral responsibility is rarely seen in corporate bosses or head of an organisation.

4.Setting an example:

The captain being the No1 in the ship, has to be an example to others. He is the captain as long as the ship floats, but when the ship sinks he is no more a captain. Hence when the ship sinks he prefers to sink with the ship.

5.Mark of respect:

When the ship sinks, the captain sinks with the ship as an act of mark of respect to the ship he commanded.

6.Can’t live without his Lady Love:

The captain can not live without his Ladylove i.e. when his ship sinks. Ship is generally feminine. You may see my earlier post on this subject.

7.My ship and My command attitude:

The captain of a ship, functionally acts as a dictator. Because of this attitude, he feels he is right to sink with the ship when his command collapses.

8.An act of Sacrifice:

The captain feels guilty when the ship sinks and prefers to sink with the ship.

9.To be seen as a Hero or Martyr:

By sinking with the ship, the captain will always be seen as a hero or martyr. If he prefers to survive, he loses his name and fame and will have a miserable life.

10.Fear of prosecution:

If the captain prefers to survive, instead of sinking with the ship, definitely there will be Court-martial/prosecutions leading to disciplinary actions. In most of the cases the judgements will not be in his favour.However, in spite of all the reasons listed above, OldSailor doesn’t justify this act of captain sinking with the ship.

10 Bencana Kapal Karam Terburuk Dalam Sejarah

Dunia pernah digemparkan dengan nahas Titanic, sebuah kapal persiaran mewah yang mengorbankan beribu nyawa. Peristiwa nahas kapal Titanic ini juga begitu popular sehinggakan sebuah filem yang dibuat khas untuk membawakan kepada penonton kejadian, perasaan dan kekalutan yang berlaku sehinggalah karamnya kapal Titanic ini.

Walau bagaimana pun, peristiwa nahas kapal Titanic ini hanyalah secebis daripada Top 10 Nahas Kapal Laut Terburuk Dalam Sejarah.

10. Mary Rose - 400 Kematian

Mary Rose adalah sebuah kapal perang Inggeris dan merupakan kapal perang pertama yang menggunakan meriam di sekeliling kapal. Ianya juga dikatakan sebagai yang terawal dibina untuk tujuan peperangan oleh Royal Navy; dan tidak pernah digunakan untuk tujuan perdagangan.

Pada 1545, King Francis I dari Perancis telah melancarkan serangan terhadap England dengan kekuatan 30,000 tentera serta lebih daripada 200 buah kapal. England pada ketika itu hanya mempunyai 80 buah kapal (termasuk Mary Rose yang dikemudi oleh Armada Sir George Carew) dan 12,000 orang tentera.

Malangnya, Mary Rose telah karam apabila bahagian kiri kapal rosak, dan dipenuhi air apabila ianya cuba melakukan pusingan ke kanan (starboard side) bagi membolehkannya menggunakan meriam di bahagian kanan. Kesemua anak kapal mati kecuali 35 orang terselamat.

9. HMS Birkenhead - 460 Kematian

HMS Birkenhead, juga dikenali sebagai HM Troopship Birkenhead atau Steam Frigate Birkenhead, merupakan antara kapal dengan kerangka besi pertama dibina untuk Royal Navy.

Pada 26 Februari 1852, semasa membawa seangkatan tentera dalam 73rd Regiment of Foot ke Teluk Algoa, kapal ini telah karam di Gansbaai berhampiran Cape Town, Afrika Selatan. Pada ketika itu, bot penyelamat tidak mencukupi untuk menampung kesemua anak kapal. Akhirnya, angkatan tentera tersebut bersetuju agar semua wanita dan kanak2 diselamatkan terlebih dahulu dengan menaiki bot tersebut.

Hanya 193 daripada 643 orang yang berada di atas kapal terselamat.

8. SS Eastland - 845 Kematian

S.S Eastland merupakan kapal penumpang yang berpengkalan di Chicago dan digunakan untuk tujuan pelancongan. Pada 24 Julai 1915, kapal S.S Eastland beserta 2 buah kapal wap (Theodore Rosevelt dan Petoskey) telah disewa untuk membawa pekerja2 Chicago's Western Electric Company ke perkelahan di Michigan City, Indiana.

Bot penyelamat dan segala kelengkapan termasuklah para penumpang, telah menyebabkan S.S Eastland ini mengalami lebihan muatan. Hal ini telah menyebabkan ketidakstabilan kapal, dan bencana berlaku apabila kapal ini telah terbalik dengan secara tiba2 dan menyebabkan sejumlah 841 orang penumpang dan 4 orang krew kapal terbunuh dalam kejadian tersebut.

7. MS Estonia - 852 Kematian

MS Estonia, yang dahulunya dikenali sebagai MS Viking Sally (1990), MS Silja Star (1991) dan MS Wasa King (1993), merupakan sebuah feri yang dibina pada tahun 1979 di German Shipyard Meyer Werft di Papenburg.

Nahas Estonia berlaku pada 28 September 1994 semasa ingin merentasi Laut baltic, untuk perjalanan dari Tallin, Estonia ke Stockholm di Sweden. Puncanya apabila berlaku sedikit kerosakan pelindung kipas (bow visor). 

Walau bagaimanapun, apabila diteliti semula, kerosakan tersebut tidaklah begitu ketara, sehinggalah seorang wanita menjerit, "...Häire, häire, laeval on häire...", yang bermaksud "...Amaran, amaran, amaran di atas kapal..." melalui satu talian komunikasi yang terdapat dalam kapal tersebut.

Malangnya, tidak lama selepas itu, kapal tersebut berpusing 30 - 40 darjah ke kanan, menjadikannya mustahil untuk penumpang berada di dalam kapal. Akibat terputusnya bekalan kuasa, kapal MS Estonia ini tidak mampu untuk kembali kepada posisi asalnya, hanya 137 orang daripada 989 penumpang terselamat.

6. RMS Empress of Ireland - 1,012 Kematian

RMS Empress daripada Ireland ini merupakan kapal pengangkut barang yang dibina pada tahun 1905 - 1906 di Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering di Scotland untuk Canadian Pacific steamships (CP).

Tragedi berlaku pada 29 Mei 1914, apabila sebuah kapal Norway, Collier Storstad berlanggar dengan sisi Empress. Storsad tidak karam, walau bagaimanapun, pelanggaran tersebut telah menyebabkan sisi kanan Empress rosak teruk. Air memenuhi kapal melalui kerosakan pada sisi kapal, dan karam hanya dalam masa 14 minit.

Seramai 1,012 orang telah mati dalam tragedi ini dan hanya 465 orang terselamat.

5. RMR Titanic - 1,517 Kematian

RMS Titanic merupakan kapal penumpang kelas Olimpik yang dimiliki oleh White Star Line dan dibina di Harland and Wolff Shipyard di Belfast, Ireland. Ianya dibina menggunakan teknologi tercanggih pada ketika itu, dan dipercayai oleh kebanyakan orang, "the unsinkable ship".

Walau bagaimanapun, ianya mengejutkan dunia apabila pada 14 April 1912, sewaktu pelayaran pertamanya, Titanic telah berlanggar dengan sebuah bongkas ais yang sangat besar. Dan ianya telah karam sepenuhnya 2 jam 40 minit kemudian!

Tragedi ini begitu popular kerana status Titanic sebagai "the unsinkable ship" akhirnya mengorbankan sejumlah 1,517 orang dalam satu tragedi yang menyayat hati.

4. Sultana - 1,800 Kematian

Kapal stim Sultana merupakan sebuah kapal kincir air berkuasa stim dari Sungai Mississippi. Letupan pada 27 April 1865 telah memusnahkan Sultana dan direkodkan sebagai yang terburuk dalam tragedi maritim  di Amerika Syarikat.

Letupan berpunca daripada kebakaran dari salah sebuah "boiler" sehingga menyebabkan satu letupan yang sangat kuat. Letupan ini begitu kuat sehingga kan penumpang yang berada di atas kapal tercampak ke laut dan memusnahkan sebahagian besar kapal.

Sisa letupan tersebut kemudiannya merebak sehinggakan keseluruhan kapal tersebut terbakar dan menghasilkan nyalaan api yang begitu marak! Nyalaan ini begitu besar sehinggakan ianya mampu dilihat dari daratan Memphis.

3. MV Joola - 1,863 Kematian

MV Le Joola yang merupakan feri milik kerajaan Senegal, telah karam di Perairan Gambia pada 26 September 2002. Ketika itu, Joola dalam pelayaran ke daerah Casamance dan pelayaran rutin antara Selatan Senegal dan Dakar.

Joola dibina untuk menampung 580 orang penumpang sahaja. Walau bagaimanapun, ketika tragedi ini berlaku, Joola telah membawa muatan seramai hampir 2,000 orang! Keadaan cuaca buruk dan berangin, telah menyebabkan feri ini terbalik, dan karam dengan begitu pantas.

Hanya sebuah bot penyelamat yang dinaiki oleh 25 orang sahaja terselamat. Seramai  1,863 kematian telah dilaporkan dalam kejadian ini.

Cerita penuh, klik di sini.

2. Halifax Explosion - 1,950 Kematian

Halifax Explosion adalah satu tragedi letupan sebuah kapal kargo daripada Perancis, Mont Blanc pada hari Khamis, 6 Disember 1917. Tragedi ini telah mengejutkan penduduk di sebuah kawasan di Halifax, Nova Scotia, Kanada, apabila Mont Blanc yang sarat dengan bahan letupan perang berlanggar dengan sebuah kapal dari Norway dalam kawasan Pelabuhan Halifax.

Letupan tersebut telah menyebabkan kerosakan seluas 2 km persegi dan mengorbankan lebih kurang 2,000 orang. Tsunami terhasil, kesan daripada letupan kuat tersebut, telah memusnahkan bangunan2, segala pengangkutan darat, pokok2, dan membawa serpihan Mont Blanc beberapa kilometer ke darat.

Sekurang2nya, 9,000 orang tercedera dalam tragedi ini.

1. MV Doña Paz - 4,375 Kematian

Doña Paz adalan feri penumpang yang karam setelah berlanggar dengan sebuah kapal muatan minyak, Vector, pada 20 Disember 1987. Doña Paz ketika tragedi, dalam pelayaran dari Catbalogan di Samar Island, Filipina ke Manila.

Vector yang membawa muatan sebanyak 8,800 barrels produk petroleum. Kargo Vector telah terbakar dan merebak ke Doña Paz, dan menyebabkannya tenggelam dalam beberapa minit sahaja. 

Dikatakan, Doña Paz pada ketika itu membawa lebihan penumpang, dan jumlah sebenar kematian mencecah 4,375! Laporan menunjukkan, krew kapal Vector tidak terlatih manakala lesen kapal tersebut telah tamat tempoh. Ianya menjadikannya tragedi melibatkan feri terburuk dalam sejarah dunia!